Woman Crush Wednesday: Sylvia Earle

Get tickets to Men on Boats!

Our next show, Men On Boats, capsizes the white male conquest narrative and features ten extraordinary women in the roles of John Wesley Powell and his intrepid crew. In honor of this gleeful gender-bend, we’re launching this #womancrushwednesday series, featuring adventurers from past and present. Check back every Wednesday to learn about these badass women!

This week’s #WomanCrush is marine biologist, author and explorer Sylvia Earle (b. 1935). Sometimes referred to as “Her Deepness” or “The Sturgeon General”, Earle’s storied career has combined significant research and discovery with political activism. Earle was the first woman to serve as Chief Scientist of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, a National Geographic Explorer-In-Residence, and the founder of Mission Blue, a nonprofit devoted to protecting the world’s oceans. In 2017, Earle received the Rachel Carson prize for environmentalism.


“Thanks to generations of curious, daring, intrepid explorers of the past, we may know enough, soon enough, to chart safe passage for ourselves far into the future.”
–Sylvia Earle


Read more about Men on Boats, Opening March 2nd