Talk Is (Not So) Cheap: Annie Baker’s Infinite Life

A dramaturgical note by Pancho Savery We have all heard the phrase “talk is cheap.” What that has traditionally meant is that it’s easy to talk, but what truly, and only, counts is what you actually do. Annie Baker has taken this cliché and turned it on its head. In her work, talk is, generally […]

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An Interview with Infinite Life Director Rebecca Lingafelter

Our next production — Annie Baker’s Infinite Life — opens October 25th and runs through November 10th. With rehearsals kicking off this week, we sat down with director Rebecca Lingafelter to chat about her thoughts on the play and what she is looking forward to in the artistic process. A longtime Third Rail Company Member, […]

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D’Zama: The Musical Vagabond

Portland Jazz Composers Ensemble and Third Rail Repertory Theatre present the concert production of  D’Zama: The Musical Vagabond On Friday, May 3rd, Portland Jazz Composers Ensemble (PJCE) and Third Rail Repertory Theatre (TRRT) will present the concert production of D’Zama: The Musical Vagabond at the Mt. Hood Jazz Festival. Inspired by the life of the […]

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Joy List

In honor of Company Member (and so much more) Philip Cuomo’s motto of “Stop. Find joy.” we are creating an ever-growing list of joyful things. Yes, we want you to participate! Email to add to the list. What brings you joy? Seeing new leaves on my plants Really big burritos Collective sighsWriting letters with lots of stickers -Amelia Sommer, Box Office Assistant These holiday Gnomes […]

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A Jewish Christmas Carol

So, there’s A Christmas Carol. Which starts with, “Marley was dead; to begin with.” It just jumps right in and gets to the point. I wanted to share with you the opening lines of A Jewish Christmas Carol. […]

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by Cynthia Shur Petts I spent many years working in a library, and I have a collection of things left tucked inside books that were returned or donated to the library. Letters, cards, assignments, notes to self, pamphlets, doodles, photographs. They’ve always brought me great joy as discovered treasures and secret insights into peoples’ lives, […]

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#ENOUGH: Meet the Discussion Panelists

Panelist Kathleen F. Carlson, MS, PhD is an Associate Professor of Epidemiology at the Oregon Health & Science University-Portland State University School of Public Health, and a Core Investigator with the Health Services Research Center of Innovation at the VA Portland Health Care System. She completed her BS at Oregon State University, and her MS […]

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James R. Dixon on Cultural Advising

Being a Cultural Advisor was never something that I aspired to be. As a Black queer theatre-maker and arts administrator in a predominantly white and heteronormative industry, the need for one became even more clear for me. It is extremely important for us to tell our own stories and on too many occasions we often […]

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