Mr. Kolpet First Read

On Tuesday, December 29th, we finally had our first read of Mr. Kolpert! We are extremely excited to finally get into the rehearsal room!

The reading was well attended with a mix of Members, Mentees, and Company Members. Food and beverages were heartily enjoyed as the dramaturgs and designers shared information from each of their perspectives, which was inspiring and gave everyone present excellent framework to embrace the play imaginatively. Whenever we hear a play out loud, we cannot help but begin to imagine how it might translate to the stage. Hearing the thoughts and plans of the designers help us to all imagine the show in the same world as we listen!

Then, after a brief break, the beautiful and passionate cast took to the tables for a read of the play. We were tickled and titillated, and there is clearly great anticipation to see the project come to fruition! Mr. Kolpert has been kicking around the company since before our first production…so it’s only been 10 years in the making. With this team and this script, it promises to be a memorable night!